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Screenshot Title Author Description Category Date Size getItID Hits
TileDriver - LAYER 3 for NextBASIC and NextZXOSSimon "don't forget the N" GoodwinAn example NextZXOS driver that implements LAYER 3SysTool2024-11-25 17:21:1727KB8ef00e1
GraphTechSimon N GoodwinThis is a miscellaneous collection of graphics-relBasic2024-11-16 18:04:0618KBe0f3124
DMA demosSimon N GoodwinDirect Memory Access (background) players for longDemo2024-11-16 17:15:20585KB81d2dd13
Captain Square Jaw DemoMike MooreCaptain Square Jaw is a fast paced, action, puzzleGame2024-11-13 00:07:53477KBac7aa722
VBEEPs AY demoSimon N GoodwinSound-chip PROCs and simple audiovisual demos fromBasic2024-11-07 19:02:3512KB95e3c06
esxDOS hooks demoSimon N GoodwinExamples of calling esxDOS from NextBASIC, from SiCoding2024-11-07 18:13:374KB7005635
NextBASIC Text EditorMagnus Krook and Simon N GoodwinThis is an editor for small text files written entApp2024-11-07 18:03:2621KBfd285310
Beeb2NextSimon N GoodwinThis is a set of files to accompany Chapter 18 of Basic2024-11-07 17:44:5127KB28e869
Sprite Hax demosSimon N GoodwinThis is a set of program and data files to accompaBasic2024-11-02 16:57:3923KB6abf594