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Screenshot Title Author Description Category Date Size getItID Hits
Evil Dizzy graphical demoJim WatermanA quick and dirty demo showing two larger than 16x16 sprites made up of multiple pieces. Basic2024-04-28 13:41:345KB670cdd6
Tank War Next DemoSteve BakerDemo version of the Tank War Next Game. In Tank War Next, players take on the role of a battle tank commander tasked with navigating through treacherous battlefields. The objective is to neutralise enemy turrets, paving the way for follow-up attacGame2024-04-26 13:12:1052KBc0d53c6
PacNextMark GallopA demo/game version of Pacman for the Spectrum Next with a nod to a certain early 80s advert. A demo of what NextBasic can do. There are a couple of minor bugs and I've not spent too much time on the between-the-game screens. I hope you enjoy! Game2024-04-04 18:33:4726KB44cfed34
membrowseMark GallopBanked Memory Browser Very simple browser in around 1KSysTool2024-04-04 17:56:091KB01fdd29
Celeste (remake)David ProgramaCeleste Classic is an iconic platform game, originally developed by Maddy Thorson and Noel Berry, for the Pico-8 fantasy console! Game2024-02-16 13:55:0045KB7ac71b59
International Ikari PlusJimmy BiscuitsAlpha playable demo. Created using our (still developing) game engine NextBox. Designed as a free tribute for Ikari Warriors, and a base game for designing NextBox. Idea being vertical scrolling of original game, with additional horizontal scrolling.Game2024-02-04 10:17:43128KB1540bd62
Get Gun, Shoot!Pig Dog BayThere's a Zombie on your case, it needs to eat your tasty squishy brain, best run for your gun. Shoot the bugger in its face, up close and personal. Full Playable Demo. Game2024-02-02 13:08:5324KB6fcb2523
Digital ClockAndy 'RCM' SpencerA digital clock in basic that bounces around the screen - it uses the RTC so if you don't have one fitted it probably won't work? It isn't optimised at all - just as is. ;)other2024-02-01 22:18:491KB6f5de524
Manic MinerSinclairManic Miner TapGame2024-01-25 16:04:5432KBa2687572