Little example of Plotting to Layer 2 using an adaption of the Rosetta Code sphere, John Metcalf’s improve SQR and a nice palette.
rem rotating cube - '#!v '!bin "h:\test.bin" -a pause 0 #INCLUDE <nextlib.bas> #INCLUDE <memcopy.bas> NextReg(8,$fe) ' no contention NextReg(7,2) ' 14mhz NextReg($14,$0) ' Global transparency bits 7-0 = Transparency color value (0xE3 after a reset) NextReg($40,0) ' 16 = paper 0 on L2 palette index NextReg($41,$0) ' Palette Value NextReg($15,%00001011) NextReg($4A,0) ' Trasnparent Fallback NextReg($12,9) ' layer2 rams 16kb banks NextReg($13,12) ' layer2 shadow NextReg($13,12) ' layer2 shadow NextReg($43,%00010001 ) ' layer2 shadow PalUpload(@rainbow, 0,0) paper 0 : ink 6: border 0 : cls CLS256(0) : ShowLayer2(1) Dim R, R2, X, Y, C, D2, XA, YA, YT as integer dim Color as ubyte R = 100 : R2 = R * R : YA = 180 / 2 : XA = 256 / 2 For Y = -R To R ' for all the coordinates near the circle YT = Y * Y For X = -R To R ' which is under the sphere D2 = X * X + YT If D2 <= R2 Then ' coordinate is inside circle under sphere ' height of point on surface of sphere above X,Y C =(R2 - D2) ' color is proportional; offset X and Y, and asm ; use John Metcalfs fast sqr ; ld a,h : ld de,0B0C0h : add a,e : jr c,sq7 ld a,h : ld d,0F0h sq7: add a,d : jr nc,sq6 : res 5,d : db 254 sq6: sub d : sra d : set 2,d : add a,d : jr nc,sq5 res 3,d : db 254 sq5: sub d : sra d : inc d : add a,d : jr nc,sq4 res 1,d : db 254 sq4: sub d : sra d : ld h,a : add hl,de jr nc,sq3 : ld e,040h : db 210 sq3: sbc hl,de : sra d : ld a,e : rra or 010h : ld e,a : add hl,de : jr nc,sq2 and 0DFh : db 218 sq2: sbc hl,de : sra d : rra : or 04h : ld e,a add hl,de : jr nc,sq1 : and 0F7h : db 218 sq1: sbc hl,de : sra d : rra : inc a : ld e,a : add hl,de jr nc,sq0 : and 0FDh sq0: sra d : rra : cpl : ld hl,0 : ADD_HL_A ld (._C),a END ASM C = C - (( X + Y) / 2) + 100 Color = cast(ubyte,(C ) ) '>>1 ' = color RGB(0, C, C) PlotL2(X+XA,Y+YA,Color) End If Next Next Print at 23,0;"hit any key to end program" pause 0 End rainbow: asm incbin "rainbow.pal" end asm